Effort Reporting

effort reporting effort reporting
Effort reporting is a process mandated by the federal government to verify that direct labor charges to, or cost shared on, sponsored projects are accurate, timely, and reflect the actual level of work performed.

Effort reporting is the method of certifying to federal branching agencies that the effort required as a condition of the award has actually been completed. Effort reporting is required by the Uniform Guidance.

The University of Miami Office of Research Administration is deploying a new upgraded version of the Employee Compensation Compliance system known as ECC, (formerly known as ECRT), to serve as the tool to facilitate the effort certification and reporting process. The ECC system is designed to help comply with the provisions of the University of Miami's Effort Reporting policy, federal policy and other relevant agency policies that govern charging an individual's effort to sponsored projects.  

The University of Miami uses Project Confirmation through the Employee Compensation Compliance System (ECC). Project Confirmation is a streamlined effort certification process, which requires that the Principal Investigator certify his/her effort and the effort of staff on his, or her project. If there are other faculty members on the project, each will certify his, or her own effort. This method of certification reduces the number of individuals required to certify effort.  

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In the Employee Compensation Compliance (ECC) system Principal Investigators are required to complete Project Confirmation, a process which requires they certify his/her effort and the effort of staff on each project. If there are other faculty members on the project, each will certify their own effort.  

This page contains the University of Miami's Effort Reporting Policy. This policy ensures that effort reporting of externally sponsored activities is managed in a manner consistent with requirements set forth in the Uniform Guidance.  

Effort reporting is the method of certifying to federal branching agencies that the effort required as a condition of the award has actually been completed. Effort reporting is required by the Uniform Guidance.

Training for the Employee Compensation Compliance (ECC) system is required. CBLs and live offerings are available through ULearn.

Sponsored Effort, or salary charged to a sponsored project is one of the main components of cost on a sponsored project. 
This page contains frequently asked questions concerning Effort Reporting, For example, what is effort reporting, what is meant by the term effort, who is subject to effort reporting, etc.