
Our commitment to a culture of excellence is reflected in the policies and procedures that are in place to promote our core values and compliance with laws and regulations. Please view the policies below to become familiar with them. The policies are divided by Proposal Preparation, Award Administration, and Uniform Guidance.

Informational AlertPlease view the glossary to see a list of research administration terms.

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This page contains a list of all Office of Research Administration policies.
All of the policies dealing with proposal preparation are located on this page.

Policies related to Award Administration can be found on this page.

Here we provide various clinical research policies, including the Jackson Subject Enrollment Notification Policy, Jackson Research Encounter Ticket Policy, and the Clinical Research Participant Enrollment & Tracking Policy.

The F&A Distribution Guidelines for Inter-school Research policy pertains to F&A guidelines for research projects that include more than one school/campus.

Please refer to the policy guidelines for the administrative handling of recharge/service centers. This manual includes University of Miami’s policies and procedures for calculating billing rates, billing to internal/external users, establishing new recharge/service centers, and closing recharge/service centers.

This page from the Research website contains the Research Policy/Guidelines Handbook, which is a collection of policies, guidelines and general information related to research.
On December 26, 2013, the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) issued the Uniform Administrative Requirements, Cost Principles and Audit Requirements (Uniform Guidance or 2 CFR 200). Please visit this page to learn more about it.