Facilities and Administrative Rates

For all activities performed in facilities not owned by the institution and to which rent is directly allocated to the project(s) the off campus rate applies. If more than 50% of a project is performed off-campus, the off-campus rate will apply to the entire project. You must identify whether the project is: Research, Instruction, or Other Sponsored Activity and choose the rate for the associated campus. Our F & A Rate Agreement contains the negotiated rate, which is summarized below.  You may also read the letter from our Cognizant Agency.  

Facilities & Administrative (F&A) Costs

F&A Rate

Note: facilities & administrative (F & A) costs were formerly known as indirect costs.

F&A Distribution Guidelines for Inter-school Research

The following policy pertains to F&A guidelines for research projects that include more than one school/campus. Policy: F&A Distribution Guidelines for Inter-school Research

F&A for Industry Clinical Trials - 36%

The University currently accepts reduced F&A rate of 36% for industry-supported clinical trials, applicable to all direct costs, with the exception of IRB fees, Feasibility Review Fee and CRIS fees.

Non-Federal Sponsors with Published Rates

To view a list of Non-Federal Sponsors with Published Rates click here.

Philanthropic Grants: F&A Rate

A philanthropic or charitable grant refers to funding awarded by a non-governmental funding source where the donor receives no direct value (commercial benefit or profit) or purchase of services in exchange for the support provided. Philanthropic grants do not restrict the publication or use of results, and often encourage dissemination for the benefit of society as a whole, but may require reporting on progress, progress benchmarks or specific deliverables. For assistance in determining if a grant is considered philanthropic, please contact OVPRShelpdesk@miami.edu.

As is always the case, proposals should use the sponsor’s published, uniformly applied policy. If the sponsor does not have a written policy and the grant is philanthropic, it is the University’s practice to request an F&A rate of 13% to defray administrative expenses associated with the project. This rate is in recognition of the larger societal benefit and philanthropic purpose of the investment, and with the University’s intention to absorb a portion of the indirect costs associated with the grant. This rate should be applied whether the work occurs on or off campus.
