
The University of Miami has various systems that assist the research community. Each system is run by the department or office best suited to manage the system throughout the university. Research Administration is responsible for IBISResearch, ECC and the Research Reporting System (RRS) for sponsored data. Please visit the various pages below to learn more about them.

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The IBISResearch System is used for Proposals, Grant Applications, Contracts, Sponsored Agreements and Award Modification Requests, such as Rebudgeting, No Cost Extensions, PI Changes, etc.

You will find information on preparing and submitting through IBISResearch, including manuals, tip sheets, etc. in the IBISResearch webpage. For guidance and additional questions, please reach out to your ORA Contact Person.

The University of Miami has deployed this web-based Employee Compensation Compliance (ECC) system as a tool to facilitate and simplify effort certification and reporting for faculty, graduates students and employees who spend effort on sponsored grants and contracts.

Workday is the University’s new system for HR, Payroll, and Finance. Workday streamlines business processes into a single, unified, state-of-the-art cloud-based system.

All faculty and all UM community members that will be involved in research or sponsored activities are required to complete their disclosures prior to submission of a proposal/contract on which they will be a team member, or at least once a year using the DPS.

Velos eResearch is a web-based clinical research management application that supports processes for patient recruitment, patient scheduling, budgeting, invoicing, and milestone management, data safety monitoring, adverse event reporting, system integration, data collection and study execution.
eProst/IRB7 is the University of Miami's “Electronic Protocol Submission and Tracking” web-based system that is run by the Human Subjects Research Office. This system automates the entire lifecycle of human subject research activity.

ClinCard is a reloadable debit card program for research study participants paid from UM accounts.

For further information on the program, please contact Lydia Zantout, phone: 305-284-3953; email:
