Grants Toolbox

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All award changes requiring prior approval from the sponsor must be routed in IBISResearch as an Award Modification Request (AMR).
This document includes suggestions on how to minimize the need for transfers, resources available, justification requirements & best practices, and common mistakes to avoid.

Glossary - Key terms and acronyms used in the administration of sponsored programs.

This diagram illustrates the order of precedence which start with the award terms and conditions.

Here you will find information on creating, reviewing and submitting an Ancillary Review in IBISResearch.

The 2024 Costing Allocation Template was created to assist you with calculating salary caps for grants. (9 month employees should not use the worksheet for May and August.) Please click on instructions to learn how to use the template.

The 2025 Costing Allocation Template was created to assist you with calculating salary caps for grants. (9 month employees should not use the worksheet for May and August.) Please click on instructions to learn how to use the template.
Often individuals receive money and have difficulty differentiating whether it is a gift or a grant. The criteria for determining whether funds are categorized as a gift or grant sometimes overlap and require evaluation based on a number of characteristics listed in this document.

Please view the Salary Cap Cost Share Calculation Worksheet.

Please view the Industry Clinical Trial Negotiation Process involving Jackson Health System (JHS) under a new master research collaboration agreement.

NIH Award Types

NIH Award Types and Expanded Authority for Grants, Training and Fellowships. Please click on the links below to view them.

PAA Worksheets

Payroll Accounting Adjustment Worksheets assist in calculating monthly and hourly Payroll Accounting Adjustments (PAAs) and are required as an attachment when creating a PAA in Workday.

This matrix can be used to determine when to use a PO, PCard, eCheck, eBerf/Travel Card based on the payment type.

This document provides a quick reference guide for new faculty.

Please visit the Workday Training page to view simulations regarding activity pay and costing allocation for 9 and 12 month Faculty.

The criteria for determining whether an entity is considered a subrecipient or a contractor/consultant is defined in 2 CFR 200.330 and requires evaluation based on a number of characteristics listed in this document.

This document contains the Uniform Guidance Subpart E- General Provisions for Selected Items of Cost.
This document is an aid for administrators at the start-up of a new award.

The ORA roles and responsibilities matrix outlines the general processes and identifies the appropriate party that has primary responsibility for different activities throughout the life cycle of a sponsored award. 

Please view the RA Award Correspondence Sample.

Information on managing salary and effort in Workday.

Please view the FDP Prior Approval Matrix.

Please view the Proposal Preparation Checklist.