Contract Types

Contracting To Another Entity Contracting To Another Entity

Research Administration Pre-Award contracting team is responsible for the review and negotiation of all following types of contracts/agreements on behalf of the University of Miami:

  • Clinical Trial Agreement: A Clinical Trial Agreement (CTA) is an agreement covering the terms for a clinical trial to study investigational drugs or devices. The University of Miami is a signatory to The Accelerated Clinical Trial Agreement (ACTA). The ACTA is a model agreement with standardized terms and conditions which can be used to reduce contract negotiations for industry sponsored multi-site Clinical Trials.
  • Confidentiality Agreement (CDA): Confidentiality Agreements (CDAs or NDAs) protect information that is not yet in the public domain by limiting further disclosure and use by the recipient. ORA handles CDAs regarding disclosure of information related to potential research projects.  For more information, please click here
  • Master Clinical Trial Agreements:  A Master Clinical Trial Agreement is an umbrella agreement where the parties agree on certain terms and conditions for future clinical trials. Master Clinical Trial Agreements remove the need to negotiate terms and conditions for individual clinical trials with only the individual study budgets needing review and negotiation. Having a Master Clinical Trial Agreement in place can greatly improve the turnaround time of negotiations for individual studies.
  • Material Transfer Agreement (MTA): Material Transfer Agreements (MTAs) are contracts covering the terms for the exchange of materials between two organizations, when the recipient intends to use it for his or her own research purposes. MTAs protect the rights of both the receiver and the provider of these materials. ORA processes INBOUND MTAs where material is being provided at no cost to UM.  If your MTA involves the purchasing of, or payment for, the materials, it should be reviewed and processed by Supply Chain Services/Procurement and not ORA. For more information, please click here
  • Memorandum of Understanding (MOU): A Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) is between two or more parties planning to create a cooperative research and/or educational partnership. For more information, please click here
  • Research Teaming Agreements: A Teaming Agreement (TA) is sometimes required by the Prime Awarding Agency or Pass through Entity at the time of proposal.  The purpose is to indicate general agreement between collaborating institutions on the nature of the working relationship at the time a funding proposal is submitted .The (TA) does not involve the transfer of funds nor does it include terms and conditions for the conduct of the research project if awarded.  For more information, please click here
  • Research Collaboration Agreement: A Research Collaboration Agreement (RCA) usually does not involve the transfer of funds and outlines the responsibilities of two parties involved in a specific research project.
  • Research Agreement: A Research Agreement (RA) is a contract between UM and another party to conduct research at UM.
  • Research/Ancillary Service Agreements & related Equipment Loan or Purchase Agreements: Ancillary Service Agreements are agreements to engage individuals or entities to provide professional services on behalf of UM to facilitate a research project taking place at UM.  Equipment Loan/Purchase Agreements are agreements to allow UM to either lease or purchase equipment from an outside entity to conduct a research project. Generally, the Office of Research Administration is responsible for reviewing and signing these types of Agreements only when they are directly related to a research project. 
  • Subcontracts (Inbound/Outbound): A Subcontract is a written agreement issued by one entity to another to perform portions of work under a sponsored project. The subcontract terms include the flow down of terms and conditions from a prime award agreement. 
    • Inbound: Subaward is issued by another entity to the University of Miami.
    • Outbound: Subaward issued by the University of Miami to another entity.
