PI Transfer From/To UM

transfer to another institution transfer to another institution

It is the policy of the University of Miami to facilitate grant/contract transfers into and out of the University of Miami, as appropriate. 

When a Principal Investigator (PI) intends to relocate from UM and to new institution or from another institution to UM, it is the PI’s responsibility to work with his/her department to submit a request through ORA to assist with the PI transfer.  It is the department’s responsibility to notify ORA, in a timely manner, when faculty are requesting a grant transfer to/from the University of Miami. ORA will guide them through the process to ensure a smooth transition. Reach out to your ORA Contact Person for guidance.


PI Transfer TO the University of Miami

In the case when the original grantee has agreed to relinquish responsibility for an active project. The Department/PI should provide ORA with :

  • The sponsor’s transfer guidelines;
  • A relinquishing statement or letter from the original grantee institution;
  • The transfer application;
  • IRB or IACUC approval

ORA will review and follow sponsor’s procedures in submitting the transfer application.

Please note a change of grantee organization request must be submitted prior to the anticipated start date at the new organization.

PI Transfer FROM the University of Miami 

When the Principal Investigator intends to relocate from UM to another institution, the Department contact person should contact ORA and work with the Post Award Manager to relinquish the awards.  The Department/PI should provide the following items in order to proceed with the transfer of the grant:

  • PI Letter of resignation
  • The name of the institution where the PI has expressed a desire to continue his/her research.
  • The contact name and email of the person handling the transfer at the new institution.
  • The Department Chairperson’s approval and confirmation that the grant and equipment (if applicable) may be transferred to the new institution*.
  • The reconciliation of funds (in Excel) to determine the balance projected to be transferred to the new institution.

Note: Some sponsors may have their own requirements to relinquish/transfer a grant, which we would follow and communicate to our Departmental contact. 

*There may be cases where the Chairperson will not approve the transfer of the grant and will, therefore propose to keep the grant at UM and provide a UM PI. This will require agency prior approval.

Please refer to Closing Out Award Procedures.

Additional Resources:

NIH Policy on Change of Recipient Organization

NSF Policy on PI/PD Transfers from One Organization to Another

