Export Control Compliance

export control compliance Travel and Export Compliance Export Control Compliance
Export Control Compliance

The University of Miami conducts focused research to advance knowledge, enhance student learning experiences, and build its reputation in the scientific and technical communities while providing positive returns on sponsoring partners’ investments. While the University applies the principles of freedom of inquiry and open exchange of knowledge, we must also be mindful of the federal laws and regulations governing the exchange of research materials and results that are subject to export controls.

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This page contains an introduction to Export Control Compliance.

This page contains decision trees that will help you determine if your project is compliant with export control laws and regulations and whether you are subject to the Export Administration Regulations.

Cloud computing refers to the use and access of multiple server-based computational resources via a digital network such as the internet.

Effective February 20, 2011, the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) issued new requirements for employers sponsoring foreign nationals through the I-129 Petition for a Non-Immigrant Worker process.

All research personnel (compensated or not) are to be screened against federal debarment and suspension lists through the University’s restricted party screening (RPS) system before any federal funds are released.
You may contact the University’s Director, Export Control Compliance at exportcontrol@miami.edu with questions you may have concerning these documents.

This page contains information about shipping and transportation and includes a Decision-Making Tree for Shipping/Transporting Items Out of the U.S.
A Technology Control Plan (TCP) is a living document that outlines the means in which confidential/controlled/sensitive information and technology will be protected.

This page is to help bring awareness to the issues concerning export control laws and regulations and other safety guidance when University faculty and staff travel internationally on University business. The University’s travel policy and other tools can be found on the University’s travel page.

This page has links to the main U.S. Government agency frequently asked questions pages.

This page contains Federal Government Special Reports concerning foreign influence, export control compliance issues and changes to the United States Government policies and regulatory environment.