Technology Control Plans

Technology Control Plans Technology Control Plans

A Technology Control Plan (TCP) is a living document that outlines the means in which confidential/controlled/sensitive information and technology will be protected.  The purpose of a TCP is to outline the characteristics of the project and to define the controls necessary to ensure that the transfer of identified items to visitors, employees, and students during the performance of research activities or other University endeavors occurs in an authorized and approved manner.

Standard Operating Procedures (SOP's):

  • PI’s and Researchers should review EXPORT-S-003 SOP for Technology Control Plans. After answering a series of questions within the SOP, if it is determined an TCP is needed, the PI/Researcher may then complete form EXPORT-F-004 Technology Control Plan.
  • USG Technical Data Marking Fundamental Research Procedure. This SOP supports the UM policy for USG Technical Data Marking as a compliance control tool to safeguard and control information, can alert holders by identifying the technical data and instructions for handling of the data.
    • This SOP is "ONLY" for Managed Controlled Program contracts that contain a requirement for "deliverables" to be "marked with a suitable notice or legend".
  • USG Technical Data Marking Export Control USDOC/EAR Procedure. This SOP supports the UM policy for USG Technical Data Marking as a compliance control tool to safeguard and control information, can alert holders by identifying the technical data and instructions for handling of the data.
    • This SOP is "ONLY" for Managed Controlled Program contracts that contain a requirement for "deliverables" to be "marked with a suitable notice or legend".
  • USG Technical Data Marking Controlled Unclassified Information (CUI) Procedure. This SOP supports the UM policy for USG Technical Data Marking as a compliance control tool to safeguard and control information, can alert holders by identifying the technical data and instructions for handling of the data. This SOP is to furnish guidance with a tailored approach for USG Technical Data Marking procedures at UM. 
    • This SOP is "ONLY" for Managed Controlled Program contracts that contain a requirement for "deliverables" to be "marked with a suitable notice or legend".

 External Links to Helpful Resources:

The Bureau of Industry and Security has several Decision Tree Tools to assist users.  

  • The CCL Order of Review Tool will assist users in understanding the steps to follow in reviewing the Commerce Control List (CCL). This is useful in trying to determine if items appear on the CCL and identify the Export Control Classification Number (ECCN).
  • The Specially Designed Decision Tool will assist users in determining if an item will be considered “specially designed” under the EAR.
  • The STA Tool will help users determine if they are eligible to use and will be in compliance with License Exception Strategic Trade Authorization (STA).
